2019-01-26 5. 6F Room563
14:00 ~ 14:10
PD2-1: The oxidative stress and epithelial mesenchymal transition change induced by long term use of antimuscarinic or adrenergic agonist on ischemia related bladder overactivity
講者: 郭萌享 座長: 林威宇,
14:10 ~ 14:20
PD2-2: Instillation of mitomycin c after internal urethrotomy to prevent recurrence of urethral stricture
講者: 賴明坤 座長: 林威宇,
14:20 ~ 14:30
PD2-3: The effect of tamsulosin for postoperative urinary retention - a systematic review and meta-analysis
講者: 莊德彥 座長: 林威宇,
14:30 ~ 14:40
PD2-4: Body mass index (BMI) were independent predictors of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (SWL) disintegration failure for different level of ureteral calculi
講者: 林鉅棟 座長: 林威宇,
14:40 ~ 14:50
PD2-5: Patients who undergo ureteroscopic lithotripsy returned within three days after discharge : The experience of VGHTC
講者: 謝享宸 座長: 林威宇,
14:50 ~ 15:00
PD2-6: Diagnosis and treatment of recurrently urethrocutaneous fistulae after hypospadias reconstructions
講者: 林介山 座長: 林威宇,