2019-08-18 6. 3F 309講堂Room 309
14:00 ~ 14:10
PD6-1: Dose testicular needle biopsy decrease the sperm retrieval rate in patients with non-obstructive azoospermia?
講者: 許自翔 座長: 蔡維恭,
14:10 ~ 14:20
PD6-2: Hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 alpha P2 promoter variants associate with the risk of metabolic syndrome and testosterone deficiency in aging Taiwanese men
講者: 劉家駒 座長: 蔡維恭,
14:20 ~ 14:30
PD6-3: The outcome of transurethral seminal vesiculoscopy for diagnosis and treatment of hemospermia, and a case report of amyloidosis of seminal vesicle
講者: 梅承恩 座長: 蔡維恭,
14:30 ~ 14:40
PD6-4: The role of coenzyme Q10 on the reproductive function of male mice model of chronic kidney disease
講者: 曹智惟 座長: 蔡維恭,
14:40 ~ 14:50
PD6-5: Testis-specific SEPT12 expression affects SUN protein localization and is involved in mammalian spermiogenesis
講者: 葉忠信 座長: 蔡維恭,
14:50 ~ 15:00
PD6-6: The impact of erectile function in male overactive bladder patients treated with Mirabegron
講者: 吳宗憲 座長: 蔡維恭,