Interstitial Cystitis
高雄長庚 莊燿吉
2016-08-20 臺北榮民總醫院 致德樓 第一會議室
10:20 ~ 10:25
座長: 莊燿吉
10:25 ~ 10:40
Pathophysiology of IC/BPS
講者: Myung-Soo Choo 座長: 莊燿吉
10:40 ~ 10:55
Diagnosis of interstitial cystitis - standardizations needed
講者: Yukio Homma 座長: 莊燿吉
10:55 ~ 11:10
How to treat patients with interstitial cystitis
座長: 莊燿吉
11:10 ~ 11:20
Multi-disciplinary approach in treatment of interstitial cystitis
座長: 莊燿吉