2016-08-20 0臺北榮民總醫院 致德樓 第二會議室
15:20 ~ 15:30
Operating times and clinical outcomes in percutanoeus nephrolithotomy:a comparison of tract dilation methods
講者: 馮國剛 座長: 陳汶吉,
Prof. Yukihiro Kondo
15:30 ~ 15:40
Percutaneous nephrolithotomy for renal stones increase the risk of developing hypertension in Chinese/Taiwanese population
講者: 錢祖明 座長: 陳汶吉,
Prof. Yukihiro Kondo
15:40 ~ 15:50
The clinical efficacy of rectal swab culture before transrectal ultrasound guided prostate biopsy for preventing infective complications and characteristics of quinolone resistant Escherichia coli isolated from the rectal swab
講者: Hiyama Yoshiki 座長: 陳汶吉,
Prof. Yukihiro Kondo
15:50 ~ 16:00
Misuse of detection methods may associated to increased resistance of gonococcal infection: experiences from a northern Taiwan
講者: 林佑樺 座長: 陳汶吉,
Prof. Yukihiro Kondo
16:00 ~ 16:10
Corporoplasty plication surgery for managing peyronie’s disease
講者: 許家豪 座長: 陳汶吉,
Prof. Yukihiro Kondo
16:10 ~ 16:20
Penile prepuce bead implants
講者: 林介山 座長: 陳汶吉,
Prof. Yukihiro Kondo