2016-10-29 台中林酒店(台中市西屯區朝富路99號)
15:20 ~ 15:30
講者: 馮思中 座長: 馮思中
15:30 ~ 16:00
Role of serum testosterone in the management of prostate cancer treatment
講者: Shinichi Sakamoto 座長: 江博暉
16:00 ~ 16:25
The Action Mechanism and Resistance Mechanism of CRPC Agents
講者: 蘇柏榮 座長: 張英勛
16:25 ~ 16:50
Androgen-Glucocorticoid Interaction in the Era of Prostate Cancer Therapy
講者: 蔡育賢 座長: 林茂盛
16:50 ~ 17:10
Panel discussion
講者: 蔡宗欣 座長: 蔡宗欣
17:20 ~ 17:50
Advances in urological oncology genomic medicine
講者: Bin Tean Teh 座長: 查岱龍
17:50 ~ 18:10
Individualizing therapy for the 1st line mRCC
講者: 陳彥勳 座長: 查岱龍
18:10 ~ 18:30
Determining therapeutic strategy after mRCC disease progression
講者: 李建儀 座長: 歐宴泉
18:30 ~ 18:50
Panel discussion
講者: 吳文正 座長: 吳文正
2016-10-30 Day Two (10/30)
09:20 ~ 09:30
講者: 余燦榮 座長: 余燦榮
09:30 ~ 09:55
Adherence and Patient Report Outcomes in CRPC: PCWG3 Update
講者: 王賢祥 座長: 余家政
09:55 ~ 10:10
COU-AA-302 Study Update
講者: 鍾孝仁 座長: 王百孚
10:10 ~ 10:30
Panel discussion
講者: 張延驊 座長: 張延驊
10:30 ~ 10:55
Optimizing usage of TKIs in mRCC treatment to secure long term survival benefit
講者: 張文震 座長: 張兆祥
10:55 ~ 11:10
Maximizing the treatment outcome of poor-risk mRCC patients
講者: 羅浩倫 座長: 江博暉
11:10 ~ 11:30
Panel discussion
講者: 江博暉 座長: 江博暉