【New Era OAB/NDO treatment-bitulinum Toxin A in the management of OAB & NDO】
日期:103 年10月05日(星期日)
地點:W Hotel Maga Room(8F)
2014-10-05 W Hotel Maga Room(8F)
Session1-A novel approach to management of bladder overactivity Management of bladder overactivity
09:40 ~ 10:20
Management of NOD & OAB: from science to clinical
講者: Roger Dmochowski 座長: 郭漢崇
10:20 ~ 11:00
Insight session & Q&A and discussion
講者: Roger Dmochowski 座長: 盧星華
Session2-Where does BOTOX fit in the treatment algorithm?
11:40 ~ 12:10
Current study data on BOTOX in the management of NDO
講者: Roger Dmochowski 座長: 莊燿吉
13:10 ~ 13:40
urrent study data on BOTOX in the management of OAB
講者: Roger Dmochowski 座長: 余宏政
13:40 ~ 14:20
BOTOX :Shaping the understanding of its ideal use in the clinical setting
講者: 鄒頡龍 座長: 唐一清
14:20 ~ 14:40
Q&A and discussion
Session3-How to achieve optimum NDO&OAB treatment outcomes
16:20 ~ 17:00
Tips for achieving optimal NDO&OAB treatment outcomes with botulinum toxin type A
講者: 王炯珵 座長: 張兆祥