Male LUTS – What we know and what we don’t know 男性下尿路症狀 – 我們所知和不知道的事
座長:郭漢崇 教授
2014-11-02 花蓮慈濟醫院和氣室
09:30 ~ 10:00
Differential diagnosis of male LUTS –a challenge to urologists
講者: 王炯珵 座長: 郭漢崇
10:00 ~ 10:30
Application of IPSS in decision making for treatment of maie LUTS
講者: 廖俊厚 座長: 郭漢崇
10:30 ~ 11:00
Treatment options on male LUTS/BPH based on clinical examination -the role of IPSS,PSA,TPV,Qmax and PVR
講者: 鍾旭東 座長: 郭漢崇
11:00 ~ 11:30
Constructing treatment algorithm for male voiding LUTS/BPH
講者: 郭漢崇 座長: 郭漢崇