2016-12-10 張榮發基金會十樓1106會議室(台北市中正區中山南路11號)
14:00 ~ 14:05
Opening Remarks
講者: 林登龍 座長: 林登龍
14:05 ~ 14:30
Highlights of Taiwan NLUTD Guidelines
講者: 廖俊厚 座長: 林登龍
14:30 ~ 15:00
Results of Taiwan Detrusor Botox Treatment for NDO in SCI Patients
講者: 王炯珵 座長: 莊燿吉
15:00 ~ 15:30
Long-term Adverse Events of Augmentation Enterocystoplasty in Spinal Cord Injured Patients
講者: 林志杰 座長: 陳順郎
15:30 ~ 16:00
Effect of Detrusor Botox on AD and DSD
講者: 張嘉峰 座長: 鄒頡龍
Case Presentation and Discussions
16:30 ~ 16:45
1) Low Bladder Compliance and Contracted Bladder in Myelomeningocele Patient
講者: 江元宏 座長: 郭漢崇
16:45 ~ 17:00
2) Severe ISD and Detrusor Underactivity in a Cauda Equine SCI Patient
講者: 吳書雨 座長: 郭漢崇
17:00 ~ 17:15
3) Difficult Catheterization in a SCI Patients after Augmentation Enterocystoplasty
講者: 翁慧鈴 座長: 郭漢崇
17:15 ~ 17:30
4) TURP in Incomplete SCI Patient with Chronic Urinary Retention
講者: 李宇坤 座長: 郭漢崇
17:30 ~ 18:00
Future Taiwan NLUTD Surveillance in SCI Patients
講者: 郭漢崇 座長: 郭漢崇