2017-10-22 高雄水京棧國際酒店2F宴會廳(高雄市鼓山區明華路366號)
09:10 ~ 09:40
Update clinical guideline of hypogonadism: from Global to Taiwan
講者: 劉家駒
09:40 ~ 10:10
Testosterone and Diabetes
講者: 廖俊厚
10:10 ~ 10:40
Evidence based review of long-lasting testosterone supplement in T2DM
講者: 蔡維恭
11:00 ~ 11:30
Long term treatment in Hypogonadism and clinical practice sharing
講者: 陳煜
11:30 ~ 12:00
Testosterone supplement: How to start TRT in my first hypogonadism patient
講者: 簡邦平