2017-12-16 台大醫學院102講堂(台北市仁愛路1段1號)
13:35 ~ 13:55
Psychosocial Intervention in Both Sex with Sexual Dysfunction
講者: 吳維哲 座長: 黃世聰
13:35 ~ 13:55
Angioplasty for Penile Artery Stenosis in Patient with Erectile Dysfunction
講者: 王宗道 座長: 謝汝敦
14:15 ~ 14:35
Penile Venous Stripping Surgery for Treating Erectile Dysfunction
講者: 謝政興 座長: 劉詩彬
14:35 ~ 14:55
The Role of Penile Rebabilitation for Erectile Dysfuction : A Surgeon’s Perspective
講者: 侯鎮邦 座長: 蔡維恭
15:15 ~ 15:35
What's the Hot in Premature Ejaculation Treatment
講者: 陳煜 座長: 簡邦平
15:35 ~ 15:55
Sperm Retrieval for IVF: Indications and Methods
講者: 吳建志 座長: 謝明里
15:55 ~ 16:15
Empirical Treatment in Male Infertility
講者: 張效駿 座長: 陳修聖
16:15 ~ 16:35
The Pros and Cons of TRT for Congenital Male Hypogonadism
講者: 張奕凱 座長: 張進寶