2017-12-23 亞洲大學現代美術館安藤講堂(台中市霧峰區柳豐路500號)
(I) Video competition
08:40 ~ 08:50
Management of BOO after a single-incision mid-urethral sling procedure (AJUST HELICALTM) by tape elongation.
講者: 謝筱芸
08:50 ~ 09:00
Management of mesh-related complications
講者: 蔡青倍
09:00 ~ 09:10
Pelvic floor muscle and biofeedback training in women with LUTS
講者: 黃淑君
09:10 ~ 09:20
POP repair with uterine preservation using a single-incisionvaginal mesh procedure (UPHOLD LITETM)
講者: 洪滿榮
09:20 ~ 09:30
講者: 朱蘭
09:30 ~ 09:40
Sacrospinous ligament fixation for hysteropexy: does concomitant anterior and posterior fixation improve surgical outcome?
講者: 盧佳序
09:40 ~ 09:50
Video recording of sacral spinal ligament fixation with UPHOLD LITE mesh using capio slim suture capturing device
講者: 吳文毅
09:50 ~ 10:00
Tailored anterior transvaginal mesh surgery (ATVM)
講者: 張廷禎
10:00 ~ 10:10
Two-year outcomes of a time-sparing laparoscopic hysteropexy procedure using polypropylene Y-mesh grafts(ALYTETM) and fibrin tissue adhesive(TISSEELTM)
講者: 劉芝谷
10:10 ~ 10:20
Endoscopic cystolithotripsy with Holmium laser for mesh erosion with stone formation
講者: 沈元琦
10:20 ~ 10:30
Laparoscopic management of vesicovaginal fistula
講者: 莊斐琪
(II) Highlights from ICS/IUGA 2017 Annual Meetings
10:50 ~ 11:20
Highlights from IUGA 2017
講者: 黃淑君
11:20 ~ 11:50
Highlights from ICS 2017
講者: 林志杰
(III) Round table (Mandarin Forum): Trends of SUI/POP surgeries after the U.S. FDA warnings & medical device reclassification. 主持人: 洪滿榮主任
13:00 ~ 13:30
Current status of SUI/POP surgeries in China. / Q&A
講者: 朱蘭
14:00 ~ 14:30
What is current treatment for urinary incontinence and pelvic prolapsed in U.S.A? (Mesh for SUI and prolapsed ,where are we right now?)
講者: 歐朝士
14:30 ~ 15:00
Development & current status of SUI surgeries in Taiwan. / Q&A
講者: 林登龍
15:00 ~ 15:20
Development & current status of POP surgeries in Taiwan. / Q&A
講者: 黃寬慧
15:20 ~ 15:40
What is Patients’ need and safety concerns. / Q&A
講者: 黃淑英
15:40 ~ 16:10
Patient-centered, medical device post-marketing surveillance report. / Q&A
講者: 郭英調