李蕎青1  顏敬恆1  蔡文銓2  蒙恩1
三軍總醫院外科部泌尿外科1 三軍總醫院病理部2
Urethral hemangioma in prepuberal female: A rare case report
Chiao-Ching Li1,2  Ching-Heng Yen1,2  Wen-Chuan Tsai1,2  En Meng1  
1Division of urology, Department of Surgery, Tri-Service Genereal Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
2Department of Pathology, Tri-Service General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
Hemangioma is usually found in the skin and liver. It is rather less lesion in the genitourinary tract. Miscellaneous genitourinary locations, such as perineum, urethra, prostate, bladder, ureter and kidney have been depicted. The urethra is hardly affected, and most reported cases have occurred in the male urethra.(1) There are sporadic cases presented for urethral hemangioma in female.(2,3,4,5) We present an urethral hemangioma in prepuberal female.
Case report
The 8-year-old girl was a healthy female without other hereditary diseases. She was brought to our genitourinary outpatient department for treatment because of bloody show and disgusted odor from perineum. In addition, she had painful sensation from urethra. The 1 cm compressible red nodule appears from 10~2 o’clock direction of distal urethra(Fig 1) on physical examination. Urethral hemangioma was impressed. We planned to do wide excision. Preoperative laboratory data were within normal range. Cystourethroscopy was performed before excision. It revealed normal bladder mucosa, bladder neck and erythematous mucosa on distal urethra. The nodule was removed thoroughly. Subsequently, we sutured the urethral mucosa with 3-0 chromic catgut interruptedly. Foley catheterization was done smoothly at last. Grossly, the specimen was measured up to 0.8 x 0.5 x0.3 cm in size. It was red in color and soft in consistence(Fig 2). Microscopically, a few proliferative thin wall dilated blood vessels were found(Fig 3 & 4). It was compatibile with the diagnosis of urethral hemangioma. We removed Foley catheter at the second postoperative day. The wound healed well after 1 week of operation(Fig 5). Normal micturition and no more complaints of bloody show, disgusted odor and painful sensation were noted at 1-month follow-up.
    2016-06-10 14:37:00
    2016-06-10 14:38:02