2020-08-23 6. Room 202
10:00 ~ 10:10
PD06-1: Prader-Willi Syndrome patients and low urinary tract dysfunction
講者: 趙梓辰 座長: 林威宇,
10:10 ~ 10:20
PD06-2: The urothelial cytoskeleton and cell proliferation protein expression in intersitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome patients of different phenotype
講者: 江景翔 座長: 林威宇,
10:20 ~ 10:30
PD06-3: Will detrusor acontractile recover after medical or surgical treatment? A longitudinal long tern urodynamic follow-up
講者: 陳聖復 座長: 林威宇,
10:30 ~ 10:40
PD06-4: Videourodynamics analysis of the lower urinary tract dysfunctions in patients with chronic brain disorders
講者: 江景翔 座長: 林威宇,
10:40 ~ 10:50
PD06-5: Urothelial cell proliferation, cytoskeleton and barrier function protein expression in the female patients with different phenotypes of urinary tract infection
講者: 李秉叡 座長: 林威宇,
10:50 ~ 11:00
PD06-6: Age- and gender-specific nomograms of post-void residual urine in healthy children and adolescents
講者: 王士綱 座長: 林威宇,