1台北醫學大學附設雙和醫院 泌尿科,2台北醫學大學 泌尿科
Testicular ischemia suspected chronic epididymitis related : A case report
Shao-Wei Dong1, Su-Wei Hu 1,2
1Department of Urology, Shuang Ho Hospital, Taipei Medical University, New Taipei City, Taiwan
2Department of Urology, School of Medicine, College of Medicine, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan
Testicular torsion represents approximately 25% of the causes. The highest prevalence between 12 and 18 years old. It usually occurs without apparent cause, but it has been associated with anatomical, traumatic, and environmental factors, among others.
We report a 24 year-old male, with no history of importance, was seen in the Emergency Department, presenting with a continuous pain in the left testicle. Doppler ultrasound showed decreased blood flow at left testis. Surgery was performed that showed findings of a ischemic like left testicle without rotation of the spermatic cord but spermatic cord was folded and adhesion with swelling epididymis.
Case report
A 24 year old man presented with a with a continuous pain, tenderness and swelling in the left testicle for three days. Fever was noted for one day. The patient was admitted to the emergency department. There was no previous history of trauma or lower urinary tract symptoms.
Physical examination revealed left scrotum was very swollen, highly erythematous and tender on palpation. Right testis evaluation was normal. White blood count was 12500 per microliter and urinalysis was normal.
The patient underwent immediate surgical exploration. Ischemic like left testicle without rotation of the spermatic cord was noted. Spermatic cord was folded and adhesion (figure 1). After dissection, a stone hard tumor like lesion was noted at head of epididymis (figure 2). Frozen section was done and showed chronic epididymitis. The testis was fixed to the dartos muscle using interrupted vicryl 2-0 stitches. Wound was close layer by layer.
A antibiotic were given during the hospital stay and patient was discharged.
    2020-06-12 12:13:35
    2020-07-23 15:54:09