三軍總醫院外科部泌尿外科1 國防醫學院醫學科學研究所2;國立陽明大學牙醫學院牙醫學系3;;國防醫學院生物及解剖學科暨研究所4
Development of ketamine-induced cystitis swine model to evaluate the strategy of polysaccharide alginate/collagen gel treatment.
En Meng1*, Gang-Yi Fan2, Shu-Jen Chang3, Sheng-Tang Wu1, Juin-Hong Cherng4
1Division of Urology, Department of Surgery, Tri-Service General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC.
2Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, National Defense Medical Center, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC.
3School of Dentistry, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC.
4Department and Graduate Institute of Biology and Anatomy, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC.
Purpose: Since the pathophysiology of ketamine-induced cystitis (KC) is still unclear, no effective treatments are currently available. The aim of this study was to develop of KC-induced cystitis swine model to evaluate the strategy of polysaccharide alginate/collagen gel treatment.
Materials and Methods: In this study, we used the swine, which shares greater similarities with human than with mouse or rats, is important for studying human diseases. The female Lanyu swine were induced cystitis by ketamine administrated (10 mg/kg) for 12 weeks. The KC symptoms were characterized by cystoscopy, urodynamic and histological evaluations according to previously KC rodent model in our laboratory. The swine were distributed into two groups: normal saline injection as control group and ketamine injection group. The swine were bladder irrigated with 100 mL of alginate/collagen gel or saline once a week for 4 weeks. Urodynamic examination and cystoscopy were performed at post-ketamine administration 4, 8, 12week and treatment after 4 weeks.
Results: Cystoscopy revealed remarkable engorged vessels in the ketamine-treated swine bladder. In addition, the urodynamic study also showed that the inter-contraction interval and micturition volume in ketamine group were lower than saline group. This evidence demonstrated that ketamine-associated cystitis swine model was successfully established by 12 weeks ketamine injection. After alginate/collagen treatment, the average of inter-contraction interval time and micturition volume were both higher than saline treatment group, but no significant difference yet in the present animal number.
Conclusions: Although the confirmation of swine KC model was behind schedule, the histological and molecular biological evidence will be harvest in a few weeks. According to the findings of this study, we may better understand the pathophysiology of KC and provide an efficacious extracellular matrix therapy for KC.
    2017-06-04 20:54:49
    2017-06-04 21:00:19