2023-08-19 f. 402C
09:00 ~ 09:10
PD01-1: The diagnostic rule of prostatic urethral angle in diagnosis of bladder neck dysfunction in men with lower urinary tract symptoms and small prostate volume
講者: 張天霖 座長: 許兆畬,
09:10 ~ 09:20
PD01-2: Low Intensity Extracorporeal Shockwave Targeting at Dorsal Root Ganglion Attenuate Nociceptive Markers and BOLD activity in a Rat Model of Nonbacterial Chronic Prostatitis
講者: 張賀翔 座長: 許兆畬,
09:20 ~ 09:30
PD01-3: Complication Analysis of Transurethral Resection of Prostate Under Different Types of Anesthesia: A Nationwide, Population-based Cohort Study
講者: 劉永浩 座長: 許兆畬,
09:30 ~ 09:40
PD01-4: Normal post void residual urine in healthy adults
講者: 林利憶 座長: 許兆畬,
09:40 ~ 09:50
PD01-5: The efficacy of behavioral therapy and different dosage of β3-adrenoceptor agonist treatment for male overactive bladder patients, a comparison study
講者: 蔡祐婷 座長: 許兆畬,
09:50 ~ 10:00
PD01-6: Analyzing the effects of testosterone level on nocturia in prostate cancer patients receiving androgen deprivation therapy
講者: 陳鵬 座長: 許兆畬,