
董世祥1  謝德生1

1國泰綜合醫院外科部 泌尿

Small penile pearling turned into a huge penile benign tumor -- case report

 Shih-Shiang Tung1  Teh-Sheng Hsieh1

1Division of Urology, Department of Surgery, Cathay General Hospital, Taipei City, Taiwan


Penile pearling is inserting implants in the form of beads or pearls into the penis to enhance sexual satisfaction. In most cases, the implants lived with the recipients and there were no serious medical conditions. On the other hand, the implants led to infection and required surgical removal. However, we herein present a case with rare consequence of penile pearling.


A 62-year-old male with coronary artery disease, diabetes mellitus, hypertension and dyslipidemia came to our hospital for a protruding mass at left inguinal area which noted for years and became bigger recently. Physical examination revealed a left inguinal hernia without incarceration. However, two penile tumors about 5 and 3cm in diameter below coronal sulcus were also found. The masses were firm and painless without sign of infection or inflammation. As his statement, he received penile pearling with 3 implants which were 1cm in size at more than twenty years ago. One of the implant was removed one year after due to infection. The other two implants were satisfying at the beginning but their size became bigger and bigger in recent years. The implants became a redundant tumor which caused inconvenience and discomfort.  Moreover, he sadly told us he had no sexual life for a couple years since the shape of his penis was too terrifying and asked for surgical removal.


We performed herniorrhaphy and en bloc resection for his left inguinal direct hernia and penile tumors. The pathology report revealed foreign body granuloma without malignancy nor specific micro-organsism.


Penile pearling is an invasive procedure which was meant to increase sexual stimulation and pleasure. One of the most frequently recognized complications is infection. However, the complications associated with penile pearls are not only restricted to the actual procedure of inserting the pearls, but the long-term effect of having them in place. For our patient, instead of providing him a pleasant sexual experience, the penile pearling became the biggest obstacle to his sex life.


    2024-06-11 21:54:54
    2024-06-11 21:55:13