膀胱內異物(芒果皮)造成結石與治療– 病例報告
臺北市立聯合醫院仁愛院區1、忠孝院區2 外科部 泌尿科
Bladder foreign body(mango peel) causing stone and treatment– a case report
Tze-Jung Shiu1, Chang-Chi Chang2, Yi-Chun Chiu2
Division of Urology, Department of Surgery, Taipei City Hospital Renai Branch1, Zhongxiao Branch2, Taipei, Taiwan
Introduction: We presented a special case who put mango peel into his urethra, then forming a bladder stone a half year later.
Case presentation: A 48-year-old man with underlying disease of drug use. He said he put some mango peel into his urethra in 2023/05, and he asked to remove the foreign body. Physical examination presented no specific finding. Blood test showed no specific finding, and urine analysis showed gross hematuria and pyuria. Urine culture grew Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus avium. KUB showed no specific finding. Cystoscope at OPD showed a bladder stone. Therefore, he was admitted and underwent bladder lithotripsy on 2024/02/27. Afterward, the patient returned to GU OPD for follow-up.
Discussion: We presented a special case who put mango peel into his urethra, then forming a bladder stone a half year later.