衛生福利部桃園醫院 1泌尿科,2護理部;3中原大學生物醫學工程學系,4國立陽明大學醫學院泌尿學科
New designed surgical gown for patients
Yu-Lung Chang1,3,4, Mei-Ling Lin2, Tsai-Ping Lu2, Per-Shu Chen2 , Hsien-Hwa Kuo2
Division of Urology1, Department of Nursing2, Taoyuan General Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Taoyuan, Taiwan ; Department of Biomedical Engineering, College of Engineering, Chung Yuan Christian University, Chung Li, Taiwan3; Department of Urology, National Yang-Ming University, School of Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan4
Purpose: Some defects of the original surgical gown for patients in our hospital were found. We modified the original surgical gown for patient to a new form to fit the clinical demand. We would like to know if the new designed surgical gown for patient is better than the original one.
Materials and Methods: The style of our original surgical gown for patients is Japanese kimono style. The original surgical gown was usually on backwards for the surgical demand. We modified the original surgical gown for patient to a new form with plastic zippers. The zippers were set from lateral side of bilateral sleeves opening along shoulder to collar and over bilateral side seam. Besides, we used Velcro to protect zipper sliders. We compared the difference of these two kinds of surgical gown for patient in clinical use.
Results: The patient revealed that the new designed surgical gown is more comfortable and easy to wear than the original one, because the new one is on frontwards and the patient’s neck doesn’t be compressed by the collar of the surgical gown. However, the original surgical gown was on backwards and the patient’s neck was compressed by the collar of surgical gown and the patient felt discomfort. The zippers on the new designed surgical gown can be unzipped to expose the patient with an adequate field for operation and anesthesia according to the different surgical procedures. Other parts of the patient can still be covered by the new designed surgical gown to prevent the patient suffering from hypothermia during preparation of the operation. Compared with the original surgical gown, the patient could be redressed with the new designed surgical gown easily after operation. Besides, the new designed surgical gown is also suitable in the ward. Because the zippers were set from lateral side of bilateral sleeves opening along shoulder to collar, the patient could take off the surgical gown easily when there was an injection line in the patient’s forearm.
Conclusions: The new designed surgical gown for patients is suitable for every kind of operations to expose adequate operative field without making the patient suffering from hypothermia and is easy to put on and take off when there is an injection line in the patient’s forearm. The new surgical gown for patients may have the benefits for the patients and nurses in clinical care.
    2016-06-11 19:44:00
    2016-06-11 19:45:49