振興醫療財團法人振興醫院 泌尿部
Two rare case of Cryptococcus infection in patients whom received prostate biopsy
Li-Ren Fang, Kuang-Kuo Chen, Hsiao-Hsian Wang, Chieh-Chen Hsieh, Chia-Lun Wang, Chin-Wei Yang
Department of Urology, Cheng Hsin Hospital
Purpose: Cryptococcus infection commonly present in the form of meningitis and meningo-encephalitis in patient with AIDS/HIV. However, Cryptococcus infection in prostate is rare. We hereby would like to present 2 cases of Cryptococcus infection of the prostate.
Materials and Methods: 2 cases of Cryptococcus infection was reported in the pathology report. One was found in specimens sent from transrectal prostate biopsy (TURP); the other was discovered in transurethral resection of prostate biopsy
Results: Granulomatous inflammation with chronic inflammatory infiltrate, multinucleated giant cells and numerous refractile organisms (5-15 micrometer in diameter) stained by GMS and mucin, consistent with Cryptococcus infection was found in all 8 core biopsies in our patient who received transrectal prostate biopsy. Small spherical thin-walled yeasts are highlighted by mucin, PAS, and GMS stains with granuloma necrosis was reported in our TURP pathology report.
Conclusion: Reported are 2 rare cases of Cryptococcus infection without other organ involvement. In both cases, the patients received a short course of antifungal medication.