
王柏仁1,3、 易志成1,3、 李建達1,2,3

1國軍台中總醫院 外科部 泌尿外科; 2中臺科技大學; 3國防醫學院

Intra-urethral Condyloma Acuminata Treated by Electrocauterization --- A Case Report and Literature Review

Bo-Ren Wang1,3, Chin-Cheng Yi1,3, Jane-Dar Lee1,2,3

1The Division of Urology, Department of Surgery, Taichung Armed Forces General Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan.

2Central Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taichung, Taiwan.

3National Defense Medical Center, Taipei, Taiwan.


Case presentation: A 70-year-old male patient was sent to urological outpatient department due to painless gross hematuria for several days. He has received hemodialysis for three years. The multiple intra-urethral tumors were found under cystoscopy (Figure 1A). The condyloma acuminata were confirmed by pathological report (Figure 1B). Finally, the patient received transurethral resection with electrocauterization. The patient recovered well and there was no evidence of recurrence after one-year follow-up.  

            Condyloma acuminatum represents as epidermal manifestation, associated with the epidermotropic human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV is most often acquired via sexual transmission in sexually active individuals, vertical transmission or extragenital contact in younger patients, rarely in children. It usually affects the skin or external urethral meatus, and less commonly affects the proximal penile urethra. Extensive intra-urethral warts presenting as voiding dysfunction are less common.  

Various treatments of urethral condyloma acuminata including laser therapy have been applied with satisfactory therapeutic response in otherwise resistant or recurrent lesions. Application of a pulsed dye laser-therapy is reported as a safe, effective, satisfactory and less traumatic compared to other options for treatment of genital warts. Ultrasonic surgical aspiration, electrocautery fulguration and cryosurgery have been also used successfully.

Here, we reported this case with pan-intraurethral condyloma acuminata treated by urethroscopy with electrocauterization and it got rapid, safe and effective result.

    2019-07-12 16:06:30
    2019-07-12 16:20:29