三軍總醫院 外科部 泌尿外科
Is Periodontitis Associated with Erectile Dysfunction in Young Male?
Meng-Han Chou, Chih-Wei Tsao, Tai-Lung Cha, Guang-Haun Sun, Dah-Shyong Yu, Seng-Tang Wu, Ming-Hsin Yang
Division of Urology, Departments of Surgery, Tri-Service General Hospital,
National Defense Medical Center, Taipei, Taiwan
The aim of the study was to evaluate the potential association between periodontitis and erectile dysfunction in Taiwanese young male.
Materials and Methods:
It was a cross-sectional study in a random consecutive sample of military male (mean age: 21.62± 2.61 years) attending to the Army Training Center. There were 2133 subjects included in the study, excluding subjects with comorbidities and subjects who had not engaged in sexual intercourse. All participants underwent detailed physical assessment including periodontal status and history taking. Clinical sexual function was evaluated with the International Index of Erectile Function–5 (IIEF-5) questionnaire.
The existence of periodontitis showed statistically significant correlation with IIEF-5 severity. (P<0.0001)
The present data supported there was a significant association between periodontitis and erectile dysfunction in young male. A possible explanation was that periodontitis may contribute to the systemic inflammatory burden, which increased the likelihood of having erectile dysfunction.