金介文 蔡政諭 余家政
Mediastinal mixed germ cell tumor in an infertile male with Klinefelter syndrome:A case report and literature review.
Chieh-Wen Chin, Jeng-Yu Tsai, Chia-Cheng Yu
Divsion of Urology, Depart of Surgery, Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital
Klinefelter syndrome (KS) is a well-documented abnormality of the sex chromosome, with an incidence of 1 in 600 newborn males. It is characterized by a 47, XXY or a mosaic karyotype, hypergonadotrophic hypogonadism, infertility, reduced body hair, gynecomastia, and tall stature. Different neoplasms such as breast, testicular, and lymphoreticular malignancies may occur in 1% to 2% of the cases with KS. Here we describe a case of mediastinal mixed germ cell tumor (GCT) in a 17-year-old male with KS. Mediastinal mixed germ cell tumor was removed smoothly. York cell tumor component was 20% in the tumor and matured teratoma was 80%. After operation and chemotherapy, AFP level was reduced to normal. Klinefelter syndrome diagnosis was made due to azoospermia. The patient will follow up after chemotherapy.