


Partial orchiectomy of a solid testicular benign tumor in young male

Mu-Yao Tsai, Chih-Hsiung Kang

Divisions of Urology, Department of Surgery, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Kaohsiung



   Partial orchiectomy was a feasible operation in selected patient to preserve fertility. NCCN guidelines demonstrated the criteria of testicle-sparing surgery, including of solitary tumor, tumor diameter<2 cm, synchronous bilateral germ cell tumors, a solitary testicle with a mass suspicious for germ cell tumor, or a functionally solitary testicle. We present a case to perform partial orchiectomy following this guidelines to preserve patient’s testicular function.

Case report:

A 25-year-old man presented to the outpatient urology clinic with accidentally a palpable painless right testicular mass. Laboratory studies were notable for alpha-fetoprotein:5.5 ng per milliliter, lactate dehydrogenase : 127 U per liter, Beta Human chorionic gonadotropin: <2 mIU per milliliter. Scrotum echography showed lamellated "onion skin" appearance with mix echogenicity rings without blood flow in it. T2-weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging showed a 2.2 cm lesion with low-intensity rim and alternating concentric low signal intensity rings. Ultrasound-guided percutaneous testicular biopsy revealed keratin material only. All of which suggested the diagnosis of a benign epidermoid cyst. Then, we performed partial orchiectomy for this patient. Panel B demonstrated the transection of the mass with layers of keratinous debris (arrows). The final pathology revealed the cyst filled with keratin flakes and surrounded by fibrous tissue.


Generally, most of testicular tumors are malignant, including seminoma, choriocarcinoma lymphoma, and teratoma which are all treated with radical orchiectomy with/without radiation or systemic chemotherapy. Benign testicular lesions are rare and only around 5%. In this case, normal serum level of tumor markers, unique "onion skin" appearance on echography and keratin materials in pre-operative biopsy diagnosed the benign disease.


Organ-sparing surgery might be a better choice for young patients to preserve the testicular functions of endocrine and fertility following strict surgical criteria.

    2023-01-03 22:18:39
    2023-01-03 22:19:12
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